Monday, March 24, 2008


These are just a few of the more than 250 Seals that passengers saw on our March 22nd Seal Watch.

Special thanks to photographer Kurt Hamel for the beautiful photograph!

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Walrus Dance

There are no walruses in Long Island Sound, but they are considered part of the marine mammal family. Harbor seals are classified as marine mammals too and they can be found off the coast of Connecticut in months when the water is colder, especially November through April. This particularly energetic walrus has rhythm and the moves!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

We Get Lonely During CMT Testing

It's that time of year again - CMT's. While you sharpen your pencils and exercise your brains, we anxiously await your return.
Our boats sit idle at the dock.
No lines in our cafeteria. It's quiet and empty.
Our plankton nets have nothing better to do than hang out.
Hurry up and finish so that we can get back to wrapping our hands around all things wet, scaly and slippery!
To all of you answering science questions for the first time, we hope the answers come easily for you! Good luck. You can do it!